Contact URAD

Empowering Creativity, Celebrating Achievement

UNM’s Undergraduate Research, Arts & Design Network (URAD) is a network of faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders who work together to provide undergraduates with direct early involvement in research, art and design projects, programs, and internships. URAD is designed to facilitate equitable access to opportunities, coordinate communication, and amplify existing efforts while respecting their integrity.

URAD Leadership and Staff 

URAD is led by Provost and Executive Vice President James Holloway and Associate Provost Pamela Cheek.  URAD coordinates with the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and consults with the Division for Equity and Inclusion (DEI). 

Tim Schroeder, URAD Director.
Jennifer Chamberlin Payne, Ph.D., URAD Sr. Student Success Specialist. Email:

URAD Launch Announcement

URAD Faculty & Staff Listserv

Join the mailing list to keep up to date.

Tell us about your Research,
Arts or Design Course or Program

Join a URAD Project Committee

