Meet with a URAD Student Ambassador

URAD student ambassadors are available for peer advising in Fall 2024!  Student ambassadors are experienced undergraduate student researchers at UNM, who are passionate about research and want to help you get involved! They will be offering both drop-in weekly office hours and scheduled appointments. If you aren’t able to attend a URAD workshop or would just like to talk one-on-one with a current undergraduate student researcher, feel free to drop-in to their office hours, starting on 9/4 or submit a request to schedule an appointment.  They can answer your questions about research, direct you to other resources on campus, share their experiences with getting involved in research, review your research programs/fellowship applications, or anything else you’d like help with related to research! 

Fall 2024 Ambassador Drop-in Office Hours Schedule

Meg Honnold (Majoring in Sociology & American Studies): Wed, 10-11am. Drop-in via zoom with Meg Honnold

Audrey Lee (Majoring in Chemical & Biological Engineering): Thu, 12:30-1:30pm. Drop-in via zoom with Audrey Lee or in-person at UAEC (building 85 on campus map) 1st floor lobby

John San Nicolas (Majoring in Philosophy & Religious Studies): Thu, 9-10am. Drop-in via zoom with John San Nicolas