Student Research Resources

Empowering Creativity, Celebrating Achievement

This page will take you thorough many resources to help you at any stage of your research journey.  Learn about the research that other undergraduates are doing at UNM, in addition to research opportunities and support from the libraries.   New resources will be added to this page regularly, so check back often.

URAD ExpoURAD Expo is a UNM website that showcases student stories, portfolios and projects, and highlights UNM’s research, arts & design courses and programs.  At URAD Expo, you can learn about the pathways that led other undergraduates to their research projects.  When you feel you are ready, you can work with URAD mentors to share your own research journey.

Research programs at UNM.  UNM houses a number of structured research programs for undergraduates.  Check out this list to see if any match your needs and reach out to the individual research programs with specific questions.

Library Research GuidesLibrary guides are curated by UNM Librarians to help you launch an effective search for journal articles, books, media, data, and more to support your research project. More than 50 guides cover a wide variety of general and specialized topics.  Have more questions?  You can reach out to a subject librarian through the guides for one on one help. 

Research opportunities outside UNMThis list contains research and internship opportunities outside of UNM.  New opportunities are added as we receive them.

Summer research experiences for UGs (REUs)Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) can be a great opportunity for you to do research outside of UNM for a summer.  While there are many ways to search for REUs, this link takes you to the National Science Foundation’s search.  You may also want to do your own internet search for “REU _________” (fill in your major/general research interest).

IRB information.  If your research might involve human subjects (e.g., interviews, surveys), you will want to be familiar with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) procedures at UNM.

Talk further with your research mentor regarding your need for IRB approval.  You can use this tool to determine if you need to submit your research protocol to the IRB.  Visit UNM’s Academic Integrity & Research Ethics for more information on conducting responsible and ethical research.



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