Past Events & Opportunities

ESCAPE (Earth Sciences Computing & Programming Experience)

Applications due June 17, 2024

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The UNM Earth Sciences Computing and Programming Experience (ESCAPE) is an exciting 2-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students interested in a career in the Earth Sciences with key skills in data analysis, python programming, and career development. No previous experience is needed – all undergraduate levels welcome! Learning takes place in a fun, dynamic environment led by multiple UNM faculty, and includes some light field work too. Plus, we are offering $1,000 stipends to each participant!

ASSURE (Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience)

UNM College of Arts & Sciences

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The UNM College of Arts & Sciences seeks applications for the Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE) for the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters (academic year 2024-2025). This program is designed to foster faculty-student research collaborations, and, as such, we are particularly eager to fund work through which students have the opportunity to engage in thoughtful and progressively sophisticated work central to the overall research program of the principal investigator. Read more and apply here.

Undergraduate Research Scholarship

Applications due May 10, 2024

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URAD is offering a new scholarship to support undergraduate students' pursuit of research with a faculty mentor for Fall 2024. The proposed research may be conducted as an independent study, a departmental honors project or any other avenue that is currently unpaid. The Undergraduate Research Scholarship is intended to support students who currently have no recourse to be paid to conduct research in their area of interest. All majors may apply but priority will be given first to Humanities (e.g., English, Philosophy, History, Africana Studies, etc.), Arts, and Design disciplines. Read more and apply here.

El Puente Research Fellowship

Applications due May 20, 2024

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El Puente Research Fellowship, a program under El Centro de la Raza, supports and promotes undergraduate research in multiple academic areas. It offers undergraduates the opportunity to prepare for graduate level education over the course of two semesters. El Puente is recruiting now for scholars to begin in Fall 2024. A stipend of $2000 will be paid upon completion of the program. Read more and apply.

NM Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP)

January 26, 2024

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NM AMP provides research opportunities and additional support through two programs this spring: STEM Prep for early majors, and the Undergraduate Research Scholarships (URS). NM AMP is funded by the National Science Foundation, and for this program NSF defines eligibility and preference in terms of declared majors and student minority status (Biology, Chemistry, Physics/Astronomy, Earth & Planetary Science, Environmental Science, Engineering (all majors), Math & Statistics; students from under-represented groups including Hispanic, Black, Native American, Pacific Islanders).

Research Exploration Connection (REC)

Application deadline January 31, 2024

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Research Exploration Connection (REC) provides UNM undergraduate students with paid opportunities to engage in brief research projects led by Master’s and Doctoral students. These projects are designed to introduce undergraduates to various research methods and approaches, and to provide potential pathways for undergraduate and graduate students to further partner on the research.

Undergraduate students who participate in REC should expect to spend between 6 to 24 hours on their project and receive between $100 and $400 for participating, with the actual amount depending on the time commitment involved in participating on the project.

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF)

Applications due December 4, 2023

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MMUF seeks to recruit undergraduate students from historically underrepresented backgrounds who have a strong desire to pursue a Ph.D. in an eligible field (in the Humanities and Social Sciences).

Grand Challenges Water Science Communication Fellowship, Spring 2024

Applications due December 1, 2023

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Selected Water Science Communication Fellows will work with mentors (faculty, research scientists, graduate students) to create a communication project to educate the public on a water resource related issue that is currently being researched. The research used to produce the communication project can either be the student’s own or the research of their faculty mentor. Students select their own communications venues (paintings, podcasts, videos, etc.) and work together as a cohort to develop and refine their individual projects. Projects are then presented at the UNM Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference (UROC) in April 2024, and are posted on UNM websites.

Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE)

Applications due December 1, 2023

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The Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE) fosters faculty-student research collaborations. We are particularly eager to fund work through which students have the opportunity to engage in thoughtful and progressively sophisticated work central to the overall research program of the principal investigator. Because the awards are part of larger efforts to foster a culture of faculty-undergraduate research collaboration at UNM, we would like to see proposals engaging lower-division students and students from underrepresented groups.

Summer 2024 Cancer Research Experience for Undergraduates (CREU)

Lunch & Information Session at UNM's El Centro, November 29, 1-2pm

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Are you an undergraduate interested in conducting cancer research in Summer 2024? UNM has teamed up with the University of Colorado to offer a summer cancer research experience for undergraduates, in which you will spend 10 weeks engaging in lab research at the University of Colorado, Anschutz campus in Denver. It is a 10 week, paid program, come have lunch and learn more about it on November 29, 1-2pm, El Centro de la Raza's conference room.

Summer Research Internship Application Workshop

November 17, 2023 10-11am Honors College Forum

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Interested in securing a Summer 2024 research experience, either at UNM or somewhere else around the country? Plan to join us on Friday, November 17 at 10am in the Honors College for a workshop to help you find opportunities and assemble a competitive application!

Hertz Fellowship

Application due October 27, 2023

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For undergraduate seniors who will be applying to PhD programs in the physical or biological sciences, mathematics or engineering, consider applying for the Hertz fellowship which awards up to 5 years of funding, equivalent to $250,000 to fund your doctoral education and research.

UNM's 2nd Research & Discovery Week

November 4-11, 2023

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Please join the University of New Mexico’s Office of the Vice President for Research in celebrating our vibrant UNM research community during Research & Discovery Week, November 4-11, 2023. The week features an exciting schedule of events that showcase the excellence and diversity of UNM's research enterprise, promote resources and opportunities available to the UNM community, and foster the principles of ethical, engaged, collaborative, and fulfilling scholarship. Research demos will be offered M-F in the SUB atrium from 11am-2pm; lectures and workshops will be offered in various campus locations.

Information Session for Sandia National Labs' Safeguards & Security Internship Program

September 28, 11:30am-12:30pm

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University Advisement & Enrichment Center (bldg 85), Room 265

Sandia National Labs is looking to fill 15 paid internship positions with students from various fields, bring your resume to this information session!

Information Session for Sandia National Labs' Safeguards & Security Internship Program

September 28, 11:30am-12:30pm

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Come join us for events throughout the day, enjoy some FREE FOOD, at the SUB to learn more about how you, as an undergraduate student, can get involved in undergraduate research at UNM. Meet other students who are also interested in research and staff who can help you advance to the next level. We look forward to seeing you there!

Team Research Symposium

September 14, 2023

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Come join us for events throughout the day, enjoy some FREE FOOD, at the SUB to learn more about how you, as an undergraduate student, can get involved in undergraduate research at UNM. Meet other students who are also interested in research and staff who can help you advance to the next level. We look forward to seeing you there!

Discover AI with AI4ALL

Applications due September 8, 2023

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Available for ALL majors to learn more about AI in a free 10-week course and apply concepts to your particular major/discipline. Click on the title above for more information and contact Yadeeh Sawyer, with any questions.

NM AMP (Alliance for Minority Participation)

Applications due September 8, 2023

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NM AMP seeks to increase the number of underrepresented minority students who successfully complete their B.S. degrees in the STEM disciplines. They offer various programs with paid benefits to help undergraduates build research skills in STEM. Check out the link above for NM AMP for further details on how to apply.

Research Assistant

For best consideration, apply by September 10, 2023

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Anderson School of Management is seeking applications from current UNM students for a Management Information Systems (MIS) Faculty Aide to start in August 2023 for the Fall 2023 term. The MIS Faculty Aide reports to Dr. Alissa Dickey, Professor of Practice in MIS to support faculty research. The primary research project assignment focuses on the area of digital therapeutics with the objective of developing best practices for startups to introduce their innovative digital therapeutic devices to market quickly. Research support may include data collection, literature review, and data visualization. The position is a .5 FTE (20 hours per week) appointment, depending on availability and qualifications.

Preview Visitation of Emory University, Laney Graduate School

Applications due August 9, 2023

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LGS-EDGE (LGS-Emory Diversifying Graduate Education) will host its 5th Annual Learning about Laney: Preview Visitation of Emory University, Laney Graduate School on Monday, October 2, 2023. LGS invites promising, highly qualified, prospective LGS scholars from diverse backgrounds and experiences to explore 40+ LGS degree programs offered at Emory University.

This fully-funded visit is designed to familiarize potential LGS scholars, who plan to begin graduate school in Fall 2024, with our graduate programs, faculty, staff, and current scholars while providing insight into the life of an LGS scholar. All participants will receive round-trip travel to Emory, lodging, and an application fee waiver for the Laney Graduate School.

Project Assistant

Start Date: Immediate

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End Date: August 15 2023, extendable

Seeking an undergraduate (grad students considered also) with experience in image editing and batch photo editing/manipulation to work on a research project funded by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The applicant will oversee the creation of a set of imagery with synthetic wildlife of various species on a variety of photo backgrounds and evaluate the ability of wildlife biologists to count animals under different scenarios. Understanding of statistical inference and experience with statistical packages (R, Matplotlib, etc) is preferred. The applicant will report results and have the opportunity to work with collaborators at UNM and USFWS on the eventual publication of this research.


  • Image editing (e.g., Adobe Photoshop)
  • Strong writing/communication skills
  • Must be a current UNM student


  • GIS software (ESRI ArcGIS, QGIS, or similar)
  • Experience with image classification
  • Confident programmer in Python
  • Experience with statistical packages such as R, Matplotlib, etc

Compensation: $16-20/hr depending on experience/qualifications

To Apply: email resume and cover letter explaining interest and qualifications to Rowan Converse at with the subject line: ASPIRE Project Assistant

Intro to Graduate Education Visit to Northwestern University

Applications due July 14, 2023

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Would you like an all-expense paid trip to visit a research-intensive institution? Are you interested in submitting a competitive application to a top graduate program? Would you like exposure to world renowned faculty and graduate students in your research of interest?

If so, please consider applying to Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern University, September 28 – 30, 2023.

Princeton Prospective PhD Preview

Application due June 15, 2023

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P3 is a nationally recognized visitation program to Princeton University (Oct 5-6, 2023) that focuses on engaging scholars from historically underrepresented groups around the path to the PhD. The program prepares scholars for the graduate admissions process, provides skill building and professional development workshops, and provides a unique opportunity to learn more about graduate education at Princeton. P3 Scholars will also have the opportunity to connect with current Princeton graduate students, faculty, and staff.

El Puente Research Fellowship

Applications due May 25, 2023

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El Puente Research Fellowship is now accepting applications for their 2023-24 cohort. El Puente is a program under El Centro de la Raza and supports and promotes undergraduate research in multiple academic areas. It offers undergraduates the opportunity to prepare for graduate level education over the course of two semesters.

Faculty-mentored Research Award

Applications due 5/31/23

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The UNM Office of the Vice President for Research and the Undergraduate Research, Arts and Design Network (URAD) are seeking nominations for the Faculty-Mentored Research Award. This joint award is given annually to an outstanding undergraduate researcher and their faculty research mentor based upon the demonstration of a strong research partnership.

ASSURE (Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience)

Application due May 5, 2023

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The UNM College of Arts & Sciences seeks applications for the Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE) for the 2023 fall semester. This program is designed to foster faculty-student research collaborations, and, as such, we are particularly eager to fund work through which students have the opportunity to engage in thoughtful and progressively sophisticated work central to the overall research program of the principal investigator. Because the awards are part of larger efforts to foster a culture of faculty-undergraduate research collaboration at UNM, we would like to see proposals engaging lower-division students and students from underrepresented groups.

To apply and read more about eligibility, funding and terms of the fellowship.

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference (UROC)

April 21, 2023

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Join us at UROC for a day of outstanding undergraduate research at the SUB from 9-3 on Fri, 4/21. There will be three different types of presentations throughout the day: oral, poster and UROC 180 (3 minute elevator pitch competition). Check out the schedule and reach out with any questions to

Center for Advanced Computing Research (CARC) User Meeting

April 14, 2023

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CARC's 2nd annual user meeting will be held in the SUB, top floor, Santa Ana A&B on April 14. Undergraduates may submit to present a poster (please have your abstract ready when registering) or just attend. Register to either present or attend on April 14.

REACT: Introductory Research Experience in Autonomy & Control

Application due April 7th, 2023

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UNM and the University of Texas at Austin are hosting a 2-week research program (July 31st-August 11th, 2023) focusing in the field of autonomy & autonomous systems. This research program will be hosted at UT – Austin where students will work on various projects. All levels are welcomed to apply!

Students will learn the basics of research in autonomous systems, machine learning, and aviation systems. You will also receive preparation for graduate school & network with professionals currently working in these fields. Interns will receive a stipend and all travel & housing costs paid.

You can find the application & projects at Please email with any questions!

QU-REACH - Quantum Undergraduate Research Experience at the Center for High Technology Materials at UNM

Application due March 31, 2023

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QU-REACH leverages the longstanding and growing research infrastructure in Quantum Technology at UNM to provide New Mexico undergraduate students with an early hands-on research experience in Quantum Technology. The program runs from May 30-Aug 4, 2023 and pays a $6000 stipend. Projects are available in a broad range of disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, etc.) related to the three cornerstones of Quantum Technology: Quantum Sensing, Quantum Communications, and Quantum Computing. Domestic and International students are welcome to apply. No specific background is required, but 1-3 years of undergraduate coursework in a physics, chemistry, math, or engineering major is preferred.

Introductory Research Experience in Autonomy & Control (REACT)

Application due March 20, 2023

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Sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in autonomy-related fields and underrepresented students are encouraged to apply for this paid research opportunity to be held at Stanford University from August 7-18, 2023.

UNM Brain & Behavioral Health Annual Research Day

Abstracts due March 12, 2023

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All are welcome! Community Members & Organizations, UNM Faculty, Staff, Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Residents are encouraged to participate. The poster session will be held in-person from 9-11:30 on March 31, at the Domenici Center for Health Sciences Education. Additional event information.

Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE)

Application due March 1, 2023

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Funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, the University of New Mexico’s Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) Program offers research training and support to prepare scholars interested in biomedical research for graduate school. Our goals are to increase the number and competitiveness of underrepresented students engaged in biomedical research by increasing the research training opportunities for our scholars. U-RISE supports talented UNM undergraduates with training that directly prepares them for careers in biomedical research. The fields of research could be biology, chemistry, cell and molecular biology, genetics, biophysics, mathematics, pharmacology, biochemistry, engineering or computer science.

Research Institute for Scholars of Equity (RISE) at North Carolina Central State University

Application due March 1, 2023

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RISE is an 8 week summer paid fellowship program that prepares a new generation of scholars committed to addressing issues of social equity. Fellows will conduct rigorous, high-quality research in education that will improve the schooling experiences and academic attainment of pre-kindergarten through university-level African-American and Latino students. Fellows will be mentored by stellar faculty and will be prepared to pursue doctoral.

University of Missouri Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Application due Feb 19, 2023

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Coordinated by the MU Office of Undergraduate Research, the Summer Undergraduate Research Program hosts 50+ students from institutions across the nation. Interns in the program participate in educational and social activities and numerous outings planned by the interns themselves creating a vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming summer community. Under the guidance of an MU faculty mentor, students work on their own projects in collaboration with graduate students, lab technicians, and post-doctoral researchers and will showcase their results at a poster Forum on July 27th. All programs affiliated with the Office of Undergraduate Research run May 31 – July 28th (9 weeks). Students live in on-campus air-conditioned housing (double rooms), and receive a meal plan paid by the program. Many programs provide one credit hour of research, travel to and from Columbia, MO and stipends range from $3,400 – $5,400.

Northwestern University Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)

Application due February 11, 2023

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The Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is a seven-week competitive research experience hosted by Northwestern University for sophomores and juniors from colleges and universities across the United States. All fields of research at Northwestern are open to SROP participants including the social sciences and humanities, physical sciences, chemical and biological sciences, technology, math, and engineering fields.

NSF Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Deadline February 12, 2023

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Apply for this 10-week summer research program studying the chemistry of biological systems, with a stipend ($6000), housing provided. No prior research experience required! First and second yr students are encouraged to apply!

Research Experience for Undergraduates interested in culture, demography and health in the South Pacific

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Recruiting NOW for positions starting in spring 2023, summer 2023 (two week field course in Vanuatu, an island in the South Pacific), and into 2023-24. This research experience is FREE. Students will be supported with stipends and paid travel expenses. All undergraduates are welcome to apply, including 1st and 2nd year students.

For more information on how to apply, including flexibility in ways to participate, please contact Prof. Siobhán Mattison ( ) or Prof. Ian Wallace ( ) in the Department of Anthropology.

University of Michigan Humanities Emerging Research Scholars Program (MICHHERS)

Application due February 6, 2023

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The University of Michigan invites outstanding undergraduates studying the Humanities to apply for the Michigan Humanities Emerging Research Scholars Program (MICHHERS). This program is designed to encourage rising seniors, recent B.A.s and terminal master’s students from diverse cultural, economic, geographic, and ethnic backgrounds to consider pursuing a doctoral degree in the humanities at the University of Michigan. Our goal is to attract diverse scholars with unique experiences who foster innovation and push the humanities to meet today’s challenges. For 2023, students interested in the fields of Asian Languages and Cultures, Classical Studies, Comparative Literature, History, Linguistics, Romance Languages and Literatures, Sociology (qualitative), and Women’s and Gender Studies (any humanities field) are eligible.

URinspiration Online Symposium

February 7, 2023, 9am-2pm

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Please join us, along with undergraduates from U of Arizona, Florida International University and Argentina, virtually for any part of the day if you are an undergraduate interested in research or currently involved in research. We have a full day of presentations to support your research journey, from getting started, to presenting at conferences to learning about grad school. This event is FREE, see the agenda and register today!

Scripps Institute Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Application due January 31, 2023

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Scripps Research invites applications from college undergraduates who are pursuing studies in the chemical and biological sciences and are interested in performing cutting-edge research in one of our state-of-the-art laboratories.

Our ten-week summer undergraduate programs are held on our La Jolla, California campus and offer students the opportunity to experience research with and be mentored by our world-renowned faculty. All participants receive a $6,000 stipend and housing is provided on a nearby university campus. A similar program is offered on UF Scripps Biomedical Research’s Jupiter, Florida campus.

2023 Local News Internship for Undergraduates in Journalism

Application due January 30, 2023

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The University of New Mexico Department of Communication & Journalism announces the creation of paid internship positions to run concurrently during summer 2023. The program seeks to place undergraduates from UNM, NMSU or ENMU in three host newsrooms in New Mexico. Interns will be expected to work 20-25 hours per week for 8 weeks. Each newsroom will be provided $3,250 to employ an intern, including the bootcamp orientation week. The program is underwritten by a grant from the New Mexico Local News Fund.

NM Alliance for Minority Participation (NM AMP)

Application due January 31, 2023

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NM AMP is looking to award scholarships to students who are undertaking undergraduate research and meet the eligibility requirements for AMP (full time declared STEM major, member of underrepresented group as defined on the website, US citizen or permanent resident). The link in the title will take you directly to the application on NMSU's website - and there is a video and instructions on the website to guide you.

NM Alliance for Minority Participation STEM Pre-Research Exploration Program (NM AMP PREP)

Application due January 31, 2023

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NM AMP PREP is looking for students who are NEW to research and meet the following eligibility: Full-time STEM student, US citizen or permanent resident, have freshman, sophomore or junior status (seniors are not eligible). Particular emphasis is placed on supporting groups that historically have been underrepresented in STEM: African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Hispanic Americans and Native Pacific Islanders.

AI4ALL - Discover AI

January 27, 2023, 12-1:30pm, Lunch provided!

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Come to Centennial Building 1044 (Bldg #112 on map) and learn all about this FREE program open to ALL majors to discover artificial intelligence as a potential career path. LUNCH will be provided! Contact Yadeeh Sawyer at with any questions.


Sandia National Labs, R&D Summer Research Internship for Undergrads

Apply by January 27, 2023

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  • Work collaboratively with R&D staff with developmental research, analysis of technology and engineering options, project design, testing, formulating conclusions, data collection and analyzing experimental results
  • Develop models for specific energy systems
  • Apply models to analyze specific energy systems
  • Analyze data from experimental testing related to specific energy systems
  • Apply total systems models for hybrid energy systems

University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)

Application due January 27, 2023

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Entering its 37th year, the University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is designed for outstanding undergraduate students who are underrepresented in their field of study. Through intensive mentorship, active learning, and enrichment activities, SROP fosters a community of scholars who increase social and cultural capital and networking while mastering research skills and knowledge that advances their preparation as candidates for successful graduate study at U-M and success in future careers, increasing representation in professional fields. Students from diverse backgrounds in the social sciences, physical or natural sciences, and engineering are encouraged to apply.

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship

Priority deadline 12/5/22, Final deadline 1/20/23

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The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship program is recruiting NOW for it's paid 2 yr research program for underrepresented undergraduate students in the Humanities. For questions contact Kiyoko Simmons.

Undergraduate Complexity Research Program

Santa Fe Institute
Application due Jan 11, 2023

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The Santa Fe Institute is a nonprofit research institute that focuses on complex systems. We are currently accepting applications for our Undergraduate Complexity Research program, a 10-week paid research internship. The ideal student is:

  • interested in pursuing an independent research project
  • interested in complex systems and transdisciplinary questions
  • comfortable with quantitative approaches and/or programming languages
  • not graduating before December 2023

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Summer Research Program (MSRP)

Application due Jan 13, 2023

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The MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) seeks to promote the value of graduate education; to improve the research enterprise through increased diversity; and to prepare and recruit the best and brightest for graduate education at MIT. MSRP seeks to identify talented sophomores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors who might benefit from spending a summer on MIT’s campus, conducting research under the guidance of MIT faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and advanced graduate students.

UNM Research Programs Info Online Session

January 10, 2023, 12-1pm

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Join via Zoom anytime between 10-11am on Tues, 12/19 to learn about the various research programs that UNM has to offer. Representatives from McNair Scholars, Undergraduate Pipeline Network, URISE, El Puente Scholars, Mellon Mays, Engineering Student Services and NM Alliance for Minority Participation will be available to talk to you about their programs for 2023. More information on all programs can be found here.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Summer Intensive Research Internship

Application due January 2, 2023

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This paid summer research program is for sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in CPS-related fields and in diversity and inclusion. It will be held at Purdue University from May 31 to July 29.

Native American Environmental Arts & Humanities Scholarship

Application due December 16, 2022

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The Native American Environmental Arts and Humanities Scholarship is an interdisciplinary award for Native American students across all UNM colleges who are interested in art and ecology, social justice, environmental justice, and/or species conservation. This application is for Spring 2023 awards. This scholarship is made possible by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the UNM Center for Environmental Arts and Humanities.

Department of Homeland Security Summer 2023 Research Internship Program

Application due December 9, 2022

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  • Are you a student looking for a professional opportunity to learn about homeland security related research to enhance your research interests and career goals?
  • Do you want to learn from top scientists and subject matter experts in homeland security related areas?</li >
  • Do you want to network with your peers and members of the academic and scientific communities in government facilities conducting research in DHS relevant areas?
  • If you answered “Yes”, to the above questions, the HS-POWER program is for you!

Research Opportunities in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese

December 7th at 12pm at Lab 2, LLC

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Come learn about researching the Spanish-speaking Southwest from faculty, graduate and undergraduate students in Spanish & Portuguese.

UNM’s Anderson School of Management Faculty Aide

For best consideration, apply by December 8, 2022

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Anderson School of Management is seeking applications from current UNM students for a Management Information Systems (MIS) Faculty Aide to start in January 2023 for the Spring 2023 term. The MIS Faculty Aide reports to Dr. Alissa Dickey, Professor of Practice in MIS to support faculty research. The primary research project assignment focuses on the area of digital therapeutics with the objective of developing best practices for startups introducing their innovative digital therapeutic devices to market quickly. Research support may include data collection, literature review, and data visualization. The position is a .25 FTE (10 hours per week) appointment, depending on availability and qualifications.

ASSURE ( Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience)

Applications due November 30, 2022

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The UNM College of Arts & Sciences seeks applications for the Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE) for the 2023 spring semester. This program is designed to foster faculty-student research collaborations, and, as such, we are particularly eager to fund work through which students have the opportunity to engage in thoughtful and progressively sophisticated work central to the overall research program of the principal investigator. Because the awards are part of larger efforts to foster a culture of faculty-undergraduate research collaboration at UNM, we would like to see proposals engaging lower-division students and students from underrepresented groups. Proposals will be evaluated based on the funding priorities of the ASSURE initiative, which include providing resources for students who see research activity as key to their overall trajectory at UNM and for research programs that are committed to solid outcomes for undergraduate researchers and promote inclusive excellence.

Undergraduate Fellowship for Students Interested in Sustainability and Water Resources

Application due December 1, 2022

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Are you interested in water resource management, research, and/or policy in the state of New Mexico? If so, we encourage you to apply to become a UNM Grand Challenge Water Science Communications Fellow. Fellows are paired with a mentor from an assortment of departments across UNM who is participating in water-resource related research within their discipline. Fellows meet with a cohort of their peers weekly throughout the spring 2023 semester and a minimum of 4 times with their faculty mentor. Fellows will develop a research communications project based on either the research of their mentor or their own water-resource research if applicable. Each fellow will receive a stipend of $1000 and up to an additional $100 for materials.

Check out the fellowship webpage here.
Student applications are available November 7, 2022, and are due December 1, 2022.

Shared.Futures Fellowship Program

Meet & Greet, Nov 22nd, 5:30-6:30 at Draft & Table

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Join the 2023 Shared.Futures Fellowship Program! Local artists & research scientists are encouraged to apply to this five month long workshop series that will take place from January through May 2023. Shared.Futures is a SciArt collaborative that brings together local scientists and artists. Together, they communicate scientific perspectives through artistic mediums to showcase what our shared futures can look like. Fellows receive a stipend and are reimbursed for material costs. To learn more, join them at their meet-and-greet event on November 22, 2022 from 5:30-6:30pm at Draft & Table (University of New Mexico).

Undergraduate Fellowship for Pre-Health Students

Application deadline extended to November 17, 2022

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Are you envisioning a career in medicine, health professions, public health policy or health research with Native American communities? If so, we encourage you to apply to become a UNM Undergraduate Fellow focused on health research in Native American communities. Fellows will meet weekly throughout the Spring 2023 semester, with every other week including a workshop or structured experience. Fellows will develop a research communications project of their own design. Each fellow will receive a stipend of $500.

Check out the fellowship webpage here.
Application deadline extended to November 17, 2022.

UNM's 1st Research & Discovery Week!

November 5th - 11th, 2022

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A weeklong series of events devoted to celebrating the research activities of the UNM community. Come learn about the impressive work being done at UNM as well as potential opportunities for undergraduate research.

Graduate and Professional School Fair

Thursday, October 6, 2022

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10am – 2pm
SUB Ballrooms
Over 65 schools will be present!

Applying to Grad School: Tips & Tricks Workshop

Friday, Oct 7, 2022

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12 – 1pm
Career Service’s Conference Room

UAEC, Room 220

Howard University Graduate School Prep Workshop Series

FREE Offerings from August 23 – September 27, 2022

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You're In! A Graduate School Prep Workshop Series for Students Interested in Pursuing a Master's or Ph.D. Degree

Who is the Workshop Series For?

  • Undergraduate students and recent college graduates interested in pursuing a master’s or Ph.D., but not sure where or how to start — or which school or program is the right fit.
  • Students who are curious about “grad school” and the research and internship opportunities that might be available to help them gain real-world experiences in their field of interest and enhance their research skills.
  • Students wondering, “Is graduate school right for me?

Purdue University Engineering Virtual Graduate Showcase

September 25 - 26, 2022

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Meet Purdue Engineering Graduate Programs & Faculty and learn about both graduate research and summer undergraduate research programs at Purdue. Free, online, and interactive.

  • Register to access pre-event content
  • Present a research poster for cash prizes (optional) - best poster and people's choice
  • Attend event to receive an application fee waiver, in order to apply to Purdue Graduate Programs for FREE (good for up to two years)!

Registration Link
Learn more from the Virtual Graduate Showcase website.
If you have questions, please email

Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE)

Deadline July 31, 2022

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This program is designed to foster faculty-student research collaborations, and, as such, we are particularly eager to fund work through which students will engage in thoughtful and progressively sophisticated work central to the overall research program of the principal investigator. Proposals will be evaluated based on the funding priorities of the ASSURE initiative, which include providing resources for students who see research activity as key to their overall trajectory at UNM and for research programs that are committed to solid outcomes for undergraduate researchers and promote inclusive excellence. Please visit for more details and eligibility.

Northwestern University Paid Visitation Program for prospective graduate students

Deadline July 15, 2022

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The Graduate School at Northwestern University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion is pleased to announce that applications are now open for our 2022 Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern (IGEN), which will be held in person Thurs, 9/29 through Sat, 10/1. IGEN is a program for diverse rising juniors and seniors interested in doctoral study. IGEN provides an opportunity for prospective students to network with faculty, staff and current students from doctoral programs. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2022. Please visit for more details and to apply.

Paid Fellowship in Water Resource Management

Deadline June 15, 2022

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Research the fundamental scientific challenges of water sustainability while gaining leadership and professional development skills in this unique interdisciplinary experience. This 12-month (August 2022 – July 2023) commitment will give students hands-on experience in water resource systems and models, culminating in the research and development of a dynamic simulation model of the Middle Rio Grande. Three undergraduate students will be selected to work under the mentorship of a Water Resource Program graduate student.

A scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded if selected for this opportunity. Applications are due June 15, 2022. Please contact with any questions.

Undergraduate Library Research Award

Applications due February 7, 2022

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The Jim and Mary Lois Hulsman Undergraduate Library Research Award program recognizes excellence in undergraduate research that incorporates the use of University Libraries resources and demonstrates sophisticated information literacy skills. Student award winners receive a cash prize – $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place, $200 for 3rd place – and recognition for their outstanding efforts. Application Deadline: February 7, 2022. For more information:

Student Team Research Concept Competition

Entry Deadline March 1, 2022

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Current UNM students are invited to work together across disciplines to submit proposals for your own research concept. By leveraging the diverse expertise of your team members, how will you find better solutions to a particular challenge? Teams will present their research proposals at the Team Research Symposium held virtually from April 19-21, 2022, and your team could win up to $2000 in cash prizes.

For more information, see our Call for Participation page.

Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Research Day

March 4, 2022, 2pm-6pm, UNM North Campus

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The Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BSGP) at the University of New Mexico holds an annual student research day. The Student Research Day is a day-long event when BSGP students give short talks or present a poster regarding their research. The best oral talks or poster presentations receive awards and recognition. Come see the oral presentations from 2 pm to 4pm and the poster sessions from 4 pm to 6 pm.

It is a great opportunity to check out the research here at UNM and get familiar with the North Campus!

Quantum Technologies, Summer Program

Application Deadline Friday March 11, 2022

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The Quantum Undergraduate Research Experience at the Center for High Technology Materials (QU-REACH) at UNM is inviting applications for undergraduate research experiences in Quantum Technologies for this summer. The program is held in person and will run from June 1 – August 6, 2022. Participants will receive a stipend of $6,000 for the summer. A limited number of housing stipends for students attending schools outside of the Albuquerque metro area will also be available. Projects are available in a broad range of disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) related to the three cornerstones of Quantum Technologies (Quantum Sensing, Quantum Communications, Quantum Computing).

Applications are welcome from all undergraduate students currently attending any College or University in the state of New Mexico who are interested in Quantum Technologies research. Students from historically-excluded groups in STEM (including women, Hispanic, American Indian, and Black students) and students who are the first generation in their families to attend College are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information, visit

Biology Department Research Days

March 31 – April 1, 2022, UNM Castetter Hall & Museum of SW Biology

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Research Day is an annual event through which the Biology Department seeks to promote and showcase student research in biology across UNM.

This year’s 30th Research Day event will be held in-person on Thursday, March 31st and Friday, April 1st.

The event will kick off with a special seminar by UNM Biology Professor Rob Miller on Thursday March 31st. Then on Friday April 1st, the day will be filled with student talks and posters, biology laboratory tours, a buffet lunch, and a keynote seminar by our Research Day speaker, Dr. Pamela Padilla, from the University of North Texas. The day will wrap up with a ceremony announcing scholarship recipients and talk and poster award winners. See below for detailed schedule. Research Day is open to all and we encourage presentations from undergraduate and graduate students.

We will be having an in-person event Thursday March 31st (3:30–5:00) and Friday April 1st (8–4). Followed by an Award & Scholarship Ceremony (4-6). Please save these dates and visit here for more information.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Conference (UROC)

April 7, 2022

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Explore the exciting world of undergraduate research at UNM. This conference is open to students at all UNM campuses, and will be offered in a hybrid format (with some sessions in person, and some via Zoom). To learn more, or to submit your research for a poster or oral presentation session, or to compete in the UROC 180 Presentation Competition, go to: UROC.

Faculty-Mentored Research Award

Nominations Due May 20, 2022

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The UNM Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the Undergraduate Research, Arts and Design Network (URAD) are pleased to announce the creation of the Faculty-Mentored Research Award. This joint award will be given annually to an outstanding undergraduate researcher and their faculty research mentor based upon the demonstration of a strong research partnership. In addition to quality of research and research outcomes, this award recognizes successes in developing a collaborative relationship and prioritizes aspects of the research process that contribute to professional growth of the student.

For more information, see our Call for Participation page.

El Puente Research Fellowship

Application due May 31, 2022

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This program is under El Centro de la Raza, and it supports and promotes undergraduate research in multiple academic areas. Over the course of two semesters, El Puente Fellows work closely with graduate mentors and faculty to increase their understanding of and experience with academic research. This fellowship takes the educational experience to the next level and better prepares students for future opportunities in the academic and professional world. Read further information and access the application, which is currently open and is due by May 31st.

Research Assistant

College of Pharmacy
Start Date: ASAP

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The lab of Dr. Roberto Moto Alvidrez, is looking for 2 undergraduate researchers to join his lab. Prior research experience is NOT needed, but strong motivation and a desire to have a future profession related to health care is. The lab's work involves applied molecular genetics and molecular imaging aimed at therapeutic targeting of hyperglycemia in diabetes with common comorbidities like atherosclerosis. Clinical and translational interventions in diabetic vasculopathy and health disparities. An article on his work and background on him and the department is here. If you are interested, please reach out directly to Dr. Alvidrez

Research Assistant

School of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience
Start Date: ASAP

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Dr. Shahani Noor's lab on North Campus (UNM School of Medicine) at the Department of Neuroscience is looking for highly-motivated undergraduate students interested in graduate school (either PhD or MD/PhD or a premed student interested in a long-term lab commitment of at least 2 years). We are a very small lab which means there is a lot of opportunity for getting poster presentations / publications if one is willing to put in the time and effort. It is a neuroimmunology lab so we have previous projects working with prenatal alcohol exposure and the effects of chronic pain in mice models and we are working on some exciting pilot projects. Commitment expectations are around 20-28 hours per week to be most productive with the pace of a project. If students are interested in earning Honors for their major this is a great way to get a start on it as well. If you are interested, please email the undergraduate student research assistant, Ariana Pritha with your CV / resume. Based on your experience and whether you have work study we can also arrange for a student employment position.

Project Assistant

Start Date: ASAP

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The Center for Advancement of Spatial Informatics Research & Education (ASPIRE) is seeking an undergraduate with experience operating unoccupied airborne systems (UAS), to conduct flights for the collection of aerial imagery. Compensation is $16-22/hr depending on experience. Please see document linked to Project Assistant title above for full details of eligibility and how to apply.

Undergraduate Fellowship: Introduction to Indigenous Environmental Health

Applications accepted on a rolling basis until January 18, 2024

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Are you envisioning a career in medicine, health professions, public health policy or health research with Native American communities? If so, you are invited to apply to this paid UNM undergraduate fellowship for the Spring 2024 term. As an Undergraduate Fellow, you will explore important environmental factors influencing health in Native American communities, and share your reflections with UNM peers and the public.

GEOG 2115: Information Design in Science & Society

Spring 2024 1st Half course, M, W, F: 1-3pm

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In this face-to-face class, you will be exposed to research, gain skills in data visualization and create your own infographics. This class also satisfies the Communication Gen Ed requirement in 8 weeks!

Biomedical Research Summer Opportunities - Nationwide

Application deadlines vary, generally in Jan and Feb, check each school for specific dates.

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This is a comprehensive list of paid summer research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) in the Biomedical sciences all across the country.

Humanities and Social Sciences Summer Research Opportunities

Application deadlines vary, generally in Jan and Feb, check each school for specific dates.

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This is a comprehensive list of paid summer research opportunities across the nation, aimed at undergraduate students studying in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Undergraduate Pipeline Network

Application due February 1, 2024

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The Undergraduate Pipeline Network is a paid summer research experience that seeks to cultivate students' interest in research while helping them attain skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education. The program provides the opportunity for students to choose from several areas of research at the University of New Mexico's Health Sciences Center. The program period covers 10 weeks in the summer and scholars participate in the program a minimum of 40 hours per week.

Hulsman Undergraduate Library Research Award

Applications due February 12, 2024

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Are you an undergraduate student who conducted research as part of a class or independent study at UNM main campus in 2023? Then consider applying for the Hulsman Undergraduate Library Research Award. Applications will be due Feb 12, 2024, but attend an online workshop to prepare your application on Jan 31 or Feb 6, 2024.

Hulsman Undergraduate Library Research Award

Application due February 6, 2023

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The Jim and Mary Lois Hulsman Undergraduate Library Research Award program recognizes excellence in undergraduate research that incorporates the use of University Libraries resources and demonstrates sophisticated information literacy skills.

Student award winners receive a cash prize – $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place, $200 for 3rd place – and recognition for their outstanding efforts.

URA-Fermilab: Undergraduate Women in STEM internship program

Applications due February 15, 2024

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Sponsored by the Universities Research Association (URA), this program (May 27 - Aug 2, 2024) engages women science and engineering undergraduate students from under-represented groups (American Indian/Alaska Native, African American/Black, Hispanic/Latinos, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders) to conduct research at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in fulfillment of its mission. Interns will spend 10 weeks at Fermilab working under the direct leadership, guidance, and supervision of Fermilab scientists, engineers, computing professionals, technicians, and staff across all laboratory directorates performing hands-on research. Please contact with questions about the program.

CT-REx (Clinical/Translational Research Experience) Career Preparation Program

Applications due February 19, 2024

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This summer program (May 29 - Aug 2) recruits undergraduates from NM and AZ to learn about and to experience health sciences research at UNM. CT-REx aims to recruit tribal, rural, and Hispanic college students who are underrepresented in the research worksforce. Contact Regis Lacher for more information:

I-Design Symposium

Start Date: February 26-March 8, 2024

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Events of the I-Design Symposium span 2 weeks and include two student exhibits (one in Rainosek Gallery in Pearl Hall and the other in Spectra Gallery in the Honors College), multiple workshops and lectures on art and design. Visit the Interdisciplinary Design certificate webpage to learn more.

Globally-Engaged Research Student Awards

Nominations due February 29, 2024

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The Global Education Office (GEO) and the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) welcome nominations for the globally-engaged research award to highlight the dynamic international research conducted by UNM students. For the purposes of this award, "international research" comprises research (inclusive of scholarship and creative works) in international settings, involving strong international research partnerships, or with significant, direct impacts outside of the U.S. Reach out to Tim Schroeder,, with any questions or for support with creating application materials. 

Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE)

For best consideration, apply by March 1st, 2024

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Funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, the University of New Mexico’s Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) Program offers research training and support to prepare our scholars for graduate school. Our goals are to increase the number and competitiveness of underrepresented students engaged in biomedical research by increasing the research training opportunities for our scholars. U-RISE supports talented UNM undergraduates with training that directly prepares scholars for careers in biomedical research.

Who is U-RISE for?

  • Rising juniors (or with 2 yrs left in program) committed to pursuing biomedical research in graduate school
  • Students interested in doing paid biomedical research during semesters and summers. No previous research experience required!
  • Any STEM major
  • Students from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM (racial or ethnic minority, non-traditional student, 1st generation college student, LGBTQ+, disadvantaged socioeconomic status, etc.) Check out more on eligibility.

Student Team Research Concept Competition

Deadline extended, applications due March 8, 2024

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You are invited to collaborate with at least 1 other undergraduate student in a different major, to compete in the Student Team Research Competition. Your goal is to pitch an interdisciplinary problem that you are interested in researching. The winning team will be awarded $2000 (to be split among team members) at UROC (Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference) on April 12, 2024. Reach out to Tim Schroeder, with any questions.

QU-REACH (Quantum Undergraduate Research Experience at the Center for High Technology Materials)

March 1, 2024

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Quantum Technology harnesses the unique features of quantum mechanical systems for devices that hold the promise to revolutionize the fields of computing, communications, and sensing and deepen our understanding of the universe. QU-REACH (May 10-Aug 2) leverages the longstanding and growing research infrastructure in Quantum Technology at UNM to provide New Mexico undergraduate students with an early hands-on research experience in Quantum Technology. Projects are available in a broad range of disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, etc.) related to the three cornerstones of Quantum Technology: Quantum Sensing, Quantum Communications, and Quantum Computing. Domestic and International students are welcome to apply. No specific background is required, but a few semesters of undergrad coursework in a physics, chemistry, math, or engineering major is helpful. Learn more and apply here.

UNM Excellence in Undergradute Arts Research Award

Self-nominations due by March 21, 2024

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Are you an Art, Music, Theater and Dance, or Film and Digital Arts student? If yes, consider nominating yourself for the UNM Excellence in Undergradute Arts Research Award! Research in the arts can take many forms . Through the creation of new artistic works, artists use aesthetics in dialogue with research methodologies to engage problems and to create new knowledge and new forms. Practice-led research might take the form of a sculpture, a dance performance, a musical composition, or a series of photographs. Arts research might also take the form of academic study of the work of contemporary arts practitioners or a scholarly evaluation of the impact and significance of a historical art movement. If you are uncertain whether your work constitutes arts research, please email Tim Schroeder, URAD Director, at

Research Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Sciences

March 21, 2024, Zoom Information Session, 3-4pm

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Are you an undergraduate curious about research in pharmaceutical sciences? Come join this Zoom information sesssion on Thursday, 3/21 from 3-4pm to hear about what the College of Pharmacy has to offer undergraduates who are looking for lab experience.

Undergraduate International Studies & Foreign Language (UISFL) Field Research Award

Applications due April 1, 2024

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The UISFL provides $1000 to undergraduate students working with a UNM faculty member on an internationally-based project. This award is intended to support travel to the field. Preference will be given to Arts & Sciences Support for UG Research Experience (ASSURE) students working on research projects related to Africa, East Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. Please direct any questions to

A Slice of Bio

March 28, 2024, 12:30-1:30pm

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All biology and health sciences undergraduates are invited to network, socialize, access resources and eat pizza on Thurs, 3/28 from 12:30-1:30 in Castetter Hall, room 107. There will be a panel talking specifically about career paths in health sciences and biology!

SUnMaRC 2024 (Southwest Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference)

Start Date: April 5-7, 2024

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The Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference brings together students and faculty from throughout the southwest for a weekend of mathematics at UNM. SUnMaRC is designed to provide opportunities for students to attend and/or present mathematics research in a supportive and fun atmosphere. In addition to student talks, there are invited speakers from a variety of areas including academia, industry and government. Please contact the local organizers Dimiter Vassilev, and Janet Vassilev,, if you have any questions.

College of Pharmacy's Research & Scholarship Day

April 8, 2024

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For the past seventeen years, the UNM College of Pharmacy has been proud to present this annual multidisciplinary exhibition highlighting the cutting-edge research and impressive scholarly activities of our MS, PhD and PharmD students, post-docs, residents, faculty, and staff. Please join us this year in the SUB Ballrooms B and C, from 1-4pm, to learn more about our research!

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference (UROC)

April 12, 2024

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Curious about what undergraduate research looks like? Want to meet other UNM students who have been participating in research and learn about their experiences? Then come join us at our annual UROC on Fri, April 12 in the SUB from 9am-4pm! Students will be presenting in multiple modes, including poster, oral and a 3 minute elevator pitch competition, UROC 180.

Free Neuroscience Workshop at UNM

Start Date: April 12, 2024
April 13, 2024

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Participants will engage in hands-on activities led by experts, covering topics like open neuroscience tools, thermogenetics, and optogenetics. Registration is limited, so secure your spot promptly before March 31st. You can register for all or specific days. Email Prof. Syed at or with any questions.

UR Inspiration International Undergraduate Research Symposium

October 25, 2023, 9am-3pm

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UR Inspiration is a FREE virtual symposium with workshops offered in both English and Spanish. During UR Inspiration, you will learn how to create effective research posters, how to conduct powerful oral presentations, and how to tell compelling research stories. You will learn foundational research skills, including information literacy and how to overcome the imposter syndrome. You will meet fellow students and other experts from North and South America. Register now to reserve your spot.

Health Professions Symposium (HPS)

April 13, 2024

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The UNM Health Professions Symposium is the biggest health profession event in New Mexico. The event’s goal is to give college/high school students interested in the health professions an opportunity to explore their passions, discover various pathways into the field of their choice and learn about the realities and challenges of a health professions education and a career in healthcare.
At HPS, one can choose between over 90 workshops covering a huge variety of medical professions. Attendees will have the chance to learn about the lives of students in graduate/professional programs, network with different professionals and gain opportunities in fields of your choice. They can also learn about what it takes to build their resumes and apply for professional schools.
Secure your spot for free and register by March 31.

UR Inspiration Virtual Undergraduate Research Conference

April 16, 2024

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UNM students are welcome to register and attend for FREE the online bilingual UR Inspiration conference hosted collaboratively by UNM, University of Arizona, Florida International University and Fulbright of Argentina. You may attend sessions in Spanish or English. Come see research presented by fellow UNM students and others from across the Americas!

McNair Scholars & Research Opportunity Program

Priority deadline is April 15, 2024

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The mission of the University of New Mexico's Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program and the Research Opportunity Program (ROP) is to prepare high achieving undergraduate students for admission into graduate school to pursue master's and doctoral degrees. The McNair/ROP programs offer eligible students the opportunity to conduct faculty-mentored research as well as travel opportunities and support during the graduate application process. Please visit for more details and eligibility.

Faculty-mentored Research Award

Applications due May 31, 2024

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The UNM Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the Undergraduate Research, Arts and Design Network (URAD) are seeking nominees for the 2024 Faculty-Mentored Research Award. This joint award will be given annually to an outstanding undergraduate researcher and their faculty research mentor based upon the demonstration of a strong research partnership. In addition to quality of research and research outcomes, this award recognizes successes in developing a collaborative relationship and prioritizes aspects of the research process that contribute to professional growth of the student. Read more and apply here.

Free Ph.D. Admissions Online Bootcamp with UC Berkeley

June 17, 2024

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Are you interested in pursuing a Ph.D., but not sure where to start? Or which program is the right fit for your interest? UC Berkeley's Office for Graduate DIversity has created a series of virtual workshops to help prospective doctoral students understand how Ph.D. programs differ from other graduate degrees, and how to find the right program for their interests and goals. No travel or synchronous attendance required!

Dojo Grants for students pursuing life science research

Application due July 21, 2024

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Dojo Grants is now accepting applications for its year-round scholarship that empowers undergraduates to engage in lab-based life science research. Grants are flexible (on average, $5,000) based on students' needs and will last for the duration of the 2024-25 academic year. They are especially interested in funding students from low-income or underrepresented backgrounds in STEM.

Emory University's Laney Graduate School Preview Visitation

August 8, 2024

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The Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement and the Laney EDGE (Emory Diversifying Graduate Education) Initiative of James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies (LGS) at Emory University is excited to invite scholars to apply to the 6th Annual Learning about Laney: Preview Visitation of Emory University, Laney Graduate School on Monday, October 7, 2024. This fully-funded visit is designed to familiarize potential LGS scholars with our graduate programs, faculty, staff, and current scholars while providing insight into the life of an LGS scholar. All participants will receive round-trip travel to Emory, lodging, and an application fee waiver for the Laney Graduate School.

SCOPE-NM Fall 2024 Cohort

September 1, 2024

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Applications are open for the SCOPE-NM Fall 2024 Cohort! Explore the space sector, gain real-world skills, and become a space leader in your community! Open to all majors. No previous experience or knowledge of the space sector required. Visit to apply before September 1, 2024. Please email Raven at if you have any questions.

Competitive Scholarship Information Sessions

Hosted by CAELD in the Honors College and Online
Start Date: Dates throughout September and October

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The Center for Academic Excellence & Leadership Development (CAELD) will be hosting information sessions on nationally competitive scholarships throughout the fall semester. They will be introducing a variety of scholarships across multiple career tracks – Public Service, STEM, Environment, and Native Community fields.

Making Better Presentations Series

Select Tuesdays in October 2024, 12:30-1:30pm

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Do you want to build your presentation skills? Maybe you are considering presenting at UROC in the Spring or another conference coming up? University libraries has partnered up with Engineering Student Success Center to offer you a series of workshops to hone your presentation skills. They will be offered hybrid, if you come in person, you will get FREE pizza!

Research assistant in Neuroscience

Apply by September 13, 2024 for best consideration

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The Noor lab in the Department of Neuroscience on North Campus is looking for an undergraduate student in their 1st or 2nd year who is interested in a long-term research assistant position of at least two years. They are looking for students interested in pursuing a molecular biology / neuroscience / immunology-focused degree in the future. The lab is very supportive, and they are looking for students who are interested in graduate school (pursuing a PhD or a dual degree inclusive of a PhD) since we can provide guidance on applying for undergraduate fellowships and getting funding to attend conferences. There will also be opportunities to get published and network with PIs part of the BSGP Biomedical Science PhD program. For interested candidates, please send your resume and transcript to (we don't need a cover letter, so please just write a short description in your email why you think you would be a good fit for the lab's research goals). You do not need any prior research to join our lab. Please also only apply if you believe you would be a good fit to work with mice as that is one of the requirements in our lab. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Ariana at

Undergraduate Student Scholars

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Recruiting for Fall 2024

Are you an undergraduate interested in health care? Consider applying to the Undergraduate Student Scholars (USS) program to gain additional experience and support in preparing for a career in health care. Please reach out with any questions to Kaana Watchman, 505-272-7755,

Undergraduate Paleontology Research Opportunity

Application deadline September 20, 2024

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Four undergraduate students will each receive a stipend of $2500 per year for participation in the project plus a possible 6CR of Honors College credit each year for research. Participation will involve 5-6 weeks fully funded fieldwork in Paraguay and Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona in June and July each year, 1 fully funded trip to a major research conference in 2025 (Birmingham, UK) and 2026 (US location TBD), and the option to take 3CR in Honors in Spring and Fall 2025 and 2026.

No prior research or paleontology experience is necessary or expected. Freshman and sophomore applicants are strongly encouraged. View the flyer for details on how to apply.

Ubuntu Research Program

Application due September 25, 2024

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The Ubuntu Research Program is a year-long, cohort-based research program offered through African-American Student Services. Ubuntu is open to students of varying reesarch levels who are interested in doing research for the benefit of the black community. Applicants must have completed at least 2 semesters of college, be interested in exporing research-based graduate programs and be able to meet on Wednesdays, 3-4pm or 1-2pm. Applications are due Sept 25, apply here.

BioSymposium Call for Submissions

Due October 16, 2024 by 11:59PM

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The University of New Mexico Art Museum is excited to announce an open call for submissions to BioSymposium — a research showcase that will be hosted on November 15th in connection to The University of New Mexico Research & Discovery Week 2024.

Exploring themes and concepts from UNMAM’s current exhibition, Hindsight Insight 5.0, BioSymposium will bring together artists, researchers, and those on the forefront of creative exploration at the University of New Mexico. This symposium aims to create space for UNM alumni and current UNM students, faculty, and staff to present their research and to discover the vast worlds of biology, art, science, technology, and their respective intersections.

UISFL Field Research Award for Undergraduate Students

October 16, 2024

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The Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language (UISFL) Field Research Award provides $1,000 to undergraduate students working with a UNM faculty member on an internationally-based project.

This funding opportunity, intended to support undergraduate travel to the field, has been made possible by a Title VI grant from the US/Department of Education administered through the Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII). Preference will be given to Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE) students working on research projects related to Africa, East Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. In addition to the $1,000 award provided by the US/Department of Education, students may be eligible to receive additional funds from UNM’s Global Education Office (GEO). For more details and to apply, view the flyer here.

UR Inspiration Virtual Bilingual Undergraduate Conference

October 24, 2024

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Online, 9am - 5pm

Please join us for the 3rd annual UR Inspiration conference online, a FREE opportunity for UNM students to attend workshops related to undergraduate research (presenting, building new skills, applying to graduate school) and also attend student presentation sessions. UR Inspiration is a collaboration among UNM, U of Arizona, FIU and select schools in Argentina. There will be offerings in English and Spanish throughout the day. You may attend as many or as few sessions as you would like! View the schedule and reserve a spot here


(Un)documenting Illegalized Imaginaries: A methodology workshop with Dr. Raphael Martinez

October 28th, 9:30-11:30am

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Frank Waters Room - Zimmerman Library

This workshop utilizes the methodology of (un)documenting to consider the following questions: How can the undocumented be documented? What are the ethical, political, and intellectual repercussions in doing so? How can places such as the university, libraries, the classroom, and research endeavors function as sites of support for undocumented activists, students, and community? How can scholars (un)document the privatization of knowledge and access to resources? This workshop delves into the methodological approach of (un)documenting immigrant and undocumented social movements, activism, and strategies of resistance as conceptualized by Dr. Rafael Martínez in his recently published book, Illegalized: Undocumented Youth Movements in the United States. Seats are limited, register here to attend

Summer Research Internship Application Workshop

November 1, 2024. 10-11am

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URAD and CAELD (Center for Academic Excellence & Leadership Development) are hosting a workshop to help you prepare to search and identify summer research experiences for undergraduates (REUs). Come learn about what REUs are, how to put together a strong application and hear from UNM students who have successfully completed REUs last summer.

Green Chemistry Symposium

November 9, 2024

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The Green Chemistry Symposium is an event designed to foster passions, knowledge, and curiosity in the field of green chemistry. Students, researchers, and all interested persons are encouraged to attend the event. The event will provide you with the opportunity to present your research, spark conversations, network with individuals in related fields, and expand your passion for science! Abstracts are currently being accepted here through Novermber 6. Abstract submissions are NOT strictly limited to green chemistry! As a an undergraduate student chapter, we want to encourage the participation of all students and researchers in related fields to encourage discussion and discovery. We encourage presentations related to chemistry, biology, environmental science, chemical and biological engineering, and so on.

Research & Discovery Week

November 11- 15

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Various locations at UNM

Many events happening all over campus the week of November 11. Check out the schedule and find something new to learn about, including microplastics, space research, diversity & inclusion, Indigenous history and SO MUCH MORE. Don't miss this chance to talk to faculty about their research and learn about what is going on at your university!

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Fair

Start Date: November 14, 2024 - 11am-2pm

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SUB Atrium
Calling all undergraduates who are interested in research opportunities both within and outside of UNM! Stop by the bottom level of the SUB to meet representatives of research fellowships, internships and other educational opportunities for you as an undergraduate at UNM. This is part of the events for Research & Discovery Week.

ARID Student Research Grant, $5000

Applications due November 15, 2024

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UNM's ARID (Accelerating Resillence Innovations in Drylands) is inviting undergraduate and graduate students to apply for a $5,000 research grant to undertake interdisciplinary research related to resilience in New Mexico. Students are encouraged to develop the research project in partnership with an external UNM entity, such as a community group, Pueblo or Tribe, business, management agency, or non-profit, to address a real-world problem facing that group. Questions? Contact ARID Sr Program Manager Debbie Lee at

Research Exploration Connection (REC)

Deadlines vary between September 20 and November 22, 2024

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Research Exploration Connection (REC) provides UNM undergraduate students with paid opportunities to engage in brief research projects led by Master’s and Doctoral students. These projects are designed to introduce undergraduates to various research methods and approaches, and to provide potential pathways for undergraduate and graduate students to further partner on the research. Undergraduate students who participate in REC should expect to spend between 6 to 24 hours on their project and receive department awards between $100 and $500 for participating, with the actual amount depending on the time commitment involved in participating on the project.

GEOG 2115: Information Design in Science and Society

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Spring 2025, first 8 weeks course, In-person
MWF, 1-2:50pm (class ENDS before Spring Break)

A great way to learn vital data visualization skills and science communication skills for STEM majors in just 8 weeks! Plus, you will get to be involved with community-engaged projects and UNM research through this class!

BIOL 401: NeuroCURE, A Discovery-based Neurogenetics Lab Course

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Spring 2025 course

This discovery-based course is designed to engage, train and mentor students in an active learning CURE (course-based undergraduate research experience) that will give you opportunities to think and work like a scientist. Students who are interested in genetics, development, or neuroscience should email to set up a meeting to discuss course objectives and expectations.

Grand Challenges Climate Science Communication Fellowship

Application Due: December 1, 2024

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The Grand Challenges Climate Science Communication Fellowship is recruiting undergraduate students for the Spring 2025 semester. Students work with mentors (faculty, research scientists, graduate students) to create a communication project to educate the public on a climate science related issue that is currently being researched. Each Grand Challenge Fellow who is accepted to participate receives a $1000 stipend and an additional $100 for materials and supplies. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kamryn Zachek (she/her) at

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF)

December 2, 2024

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MMUF is recruiting now! The fundamental objective of MMUF is to address the problem of underrepresentation in the academy at the level of college and university faculties. Applicants must have 2 years remaining before graduation, a GPA of 3.5+, be determined to pursue a PhD in one of the MMUF fields and be a US citizen/permanent resident/DACA grantee. See full eligibility requirements and read more about the program.

Hacking a Career in Space Exploration

Online, December 5, 2024 at 2pm (MT)

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In partnership with NASA, the Hispanic Heritage Foundation is excited to bring you Hacking a Career in Space Exploration, a virtual event featuring NASA professionals sharing their career paths and insights.

Think you need to be a rocket scientist to work at NASA? Think again! Join us on Thursday, December 5th at 2:00 PM MT and learn from our panelists as they share their personal journeys, offer glimpses into their daily work, and discuss how they found their way to their current roles advancing space exploration.

National Council on Undergraduate Research 2025 Conference Call for Abstracts

Submissions due December 6, 2024

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The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students. Unlike meetings of academic professional organizations, this gathering of student scholars welcomes presenters from all institutions of higher learning and from all disciplines. NCUR 2025 is now accepting abstracts from undergraduate research students in over 50 different disciplines as well as abstracts for our mentor-led sessions.

Find out more information on how to submit, the guidelines and requirements, and more >

Success Through Academic Research Scholarship Program (STARS)

Application due December 13, 2024

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM) Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program (MSIPP) Success Through Academic Research Scholarship (STARS) program provides opportunities for undergraduate students from Minority Serving Institutions pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and supports EM research and operations in:
• Advanced Manufacturing
• Artificial Intelligence
• Cybersecurity
• Deactivation & Decommissioning
• Machine Learning
• Robotics
• Soil & Groundwater
• Tank Waste

As a STARS Scholar, you will receive…
• Financial support for the pursuit of an undergraduate degree for up to two years and two additional years for students choosing to pursue a Master’s degree.
• Paid summer internships under the guidance of an accomplished mentor at EM headquarter offices, field offices, and DOE national laboratories.
• Opportunities to engage with the EM community (e.g., EM field sites, contractors, stakeholders) and other STARS Scholars.
• Continued engagement with EM after graduation through employment opportunities or postgraduate appointments, in addition to academic and career guidance.

Undergraduate Research Scholarship

Applications due December 16, 2024

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The purpose of this scholarship is to support undergraduate students who engage in their education by pursuing research with a UNM faculty mentor. You must be a currently enrolled UNM student (minimum 6 cr hrs at main or any branch campus) in good academic standing, who has secured the support of a faculty mentor. You do not need to currently be involved in research in order to apply. Students who are currently being paid for research engagement (as a paid research assistant or as part of a paid research program) are not eligible for this scholarship. All majors may apply but priority will be given first to Humanities (e.g., English, Philosophy, History, Africana Studies, etc.), Arts, and Design disciplines.

Research Assistant in department of Neuroscience

Applications due January 3, 2025

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Dr. Tunc-Ozcan's lab is at the forefront of uncovering how stress reshapes the brain and drives adaptive or maladaptive behaviors, with the ultimate goal of preventing and reversing neuropsychiatric conditions. Through cutting-edge techniques, the research bridges genetics, molecular biology, and neural circuit mapping to reveal mechanisms behind mental health and potential therapeutic breakthroughs.

The lab has already made groundbreaking discoveries, such as an epigenetic mechanism for transgenerational effects of fetal alcohol exposure and tools to manipulate cellular signaling pathways. One particularly exciting achievement demonstrated that activating specific immature hippocampal neurons rapidly reversed stress-induced depression-like states, revealing a new avenue for antidepressant therapies.

By integrating innovative tools like DREADDs (chemogenetics), monosynaptic retrograde tracing, and single-cell RNA sequencing, the lab is now mapping the intricate connections within the dentate gyrus. This work aims to uncover how subtle differences in neuronal inputs shape behavior and disease susceptibility. These insights promise to redefine how we understand the neural circuits underlying mental health, offering transformative potential for sex-specific therapies and personalized medicine.

Please email your transcripts + CVs, a letter of intent, specify whether you want to be a Research Technician (recent graduates are really encouraged to apply for this position / those looking for jobs during their upcoming gap year) or a part-time undergraduate student (work-study is preferred), to all the following email addresses:
3. (current Research Technician in Dr. Tunc-Ozcan's lab)
Keep in mind that the position requires a commitment of at least 1.5 years and applicants must be comfortable working with mice.

Undergraduate Complexity Research Program

Santa Fe Institute (SFI)
January 14, 2025

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The SFI Undergraduate Complexity Research (UCR) program is a 10-week residential experience (June 1 - Aug 9, 2025) in complexity science research. Students can select from a menu of projects, or develop a project in collaboration with their mentor(s). Students learn how to combine theory, methods, and data from the physical, natural, and social sciences to ask big questions about real-world complex systems using the rigorous methods employed at SFI. Through a series of seminars and workshops, students enhance their skills as researchers and prepare for the next steps in their academic and professional journeys.

Students receive a stipend of $700 per week, or $7,000 over the course of the program. All UCRs are provided with housing and meals at no cost to them and travel support to/from Santa Fe, New Mexico.

MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)

January 21, 2025

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The MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) seeks to promote the value of graduate education; to improve the research enterprise through increased diversity; and to prepare and recruit the best and brightest for graduate education at MIT. MSRP seeks to identify talented sophomores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors who might benefit from spending a summer on MIT’s campus, conducting research under the guidance of MIT faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and advanced graduate students. MSRP participants receive a weekly stipend, round trip travel, and university housing during the nine-week program. Application workshop will be held on Tues, Dec 3rd, register here

Undergraduate Fellowship on Native American Health

Applications accepted on a rolling basis until January 26, 2025

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Are you passionate about shaping the future of healthcare in Native American communities? If you are planning for a career in medicine, health professions, public health policy, or health research, we invite you to apply for this paid UNM undergraduate fellowship. As an Undergraduate Fellow, you will immerse yourself in the critical factors influencing health in Native American populations.

This fellowship equips you with invaluable, hands-on experience while empowering you to strengthen the healthcare workforce. By addressing health disparities and enhancing community well-being, you will play a vital role in fostering a healthier future for Indigenous populations. You will also have the unique opportunity to share your insights and findings with fellow UNM and tribal college students and the broader public, promoting a collaborative approach to improving health outcomes.

Hulsman Undergraduate Library Research Award

Applications due February 17, 2025

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The Jim and Mary Lois Hulsman Undergraduate Library Research Award program recognizes excellence in undergraduate research that incorporates the use of University Libraries resources and demonstrates sophisticated information literacy skills.

Student award winners receive a cash prize – $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place, $200 for 3rd place – and recognition for their outstanding efforts. Visit a workshop to help you prepare an application on January 31 or February 5. Applications will be due February 17, 2025. Visit their website for further details and eligibility.

Undergraduate Pipeline Network (UPN)

Applications due February 1, 2025

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UPN is designed to cultivate an interest in research through exposure to various types of research, develop of research skills and prepare participants for graduate education in the health and social sciences. The program runs for 10 weeks in summer 2025 and is an in-person, full-time (35-40 hours/week) paid program ($6000 stipend) located in Albuquerque. Read more about UPN and apply here.

University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)

Applications due February 3, 2025

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The University of Michigan SROP is designed for outstanding undergraduate students who are underrepresented in their field of study. SROP strives to increase the number of diverse students with unique experiences by supporting their preparation for graduate studies. Through intensive mentorship, active learning, and enrichment activities, SROP fosters a community of scholars who increase social and cultural capital and networking while mastering research skills and knowledge that advances their preparation as candidates for successful graduate study at U-M and success in future careers, increasing representation in professional fields. Application workshops for SROP begin on December 10th, register here.

Emory University's Summer Opportunity for Academic Research (SOAR)

Applications due February 3, 2025

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Running from May 27 to August 1, 2025, Emory University's Laney Graduate School Summer Opportunity for Academic Research (LGS-SOAR) program will provide undergraduate scholars with the chance to engage in full-time independent and mentored research in fields such as biomedical, biological, natural, and public health sciences, as well as humanities and humanistic social sciences. For more information and eligibility requirements, check their website.

Graduate School Scholarship Information Sessions

Hosted by Honors College
Start Date: February 6, 2025, 3:30-4:30pm in Honors College Forum

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February 7, 2025, 3-4pm on Zoom (Register to get Zoom Link
UNM Honors College’s Center for Academic Excellence and Leadership Development (CAELD) is holding an information session on various scholarship opportunities for graduate programs. During the session, we will provide an overview of scholarship opportunities such as Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, Knight-Hennessy, Gates Cambridge, and Schwarzman. Students from any majors and at any stage - freshman through senior - are welcome to attend. Some scholarships are also open to international students.

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